Cub Training

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4th Beaconsfield Cubs Sailing Adventure at Upper Thames Sailing Club – 14th September

On the crisp Saturday morning of the 14th of September, a lively group of about 20 Cubs arrived at the Upper Thames Sailing Club to enjoy a morning packed with learning and adventure. Accompanied by a few adults, including mums and dads ready to lend a hand, they were eager to experience the world of sailing, knot-making, and rowing. Leading the session was Mark, our Senior Instructor, along with two assistant instructors and approximately 15 dedicated club members who volunteered to help in any way they could.

Preparing for the Day

The members arrived by 8:30am and kicked off by clearing the goose netting from the banks and preparing the safety boats, ensuring everything was in place for a smooth morning. The Cubs arrived at 9:30am and were promptly split into groups of eight, a mix of adults and Cubs, ready to rotate between the different activities.

Learning the Ropes and Getting Afloat

The first group started with knot-making, where they mastered the art of tying the reef knot, two half hitches, and a figure of eight knot. Once they’d perfected their knots, they learned how to rig a Topper sailboat, before heading out in Tigress V, sailing up and down the river. Paul, channelling his inner Titanic, quizzed the young sailors on what they'd learned so far, making sure they grasped the basics. Meanwhile, another group took to the Toppers, towed upriver before paddling their way back to the club with confidence. The final group stayed on shore for a land drill, where they learned how to sit in a boat properly and practice tacking techniques before heading out in the RS Zests for some on-water practice. Thanks to the light wind, the Cubs were able to sail safely across the river and back, closely supported by two safety boats that ensured everyone stayed on course.  

Swapping Stations and Sweet Breaks

After about 40 minutes, the groups rotated so everyone could try their hand at each activity. In between, Sarah provided a well-earned tea break with biscuits, which was nearly as exciting as the sailing itself! By the end of the session, each group had learned essential knots, experienced paddling on the river, and practiced sailing across the Thames. They even earned themselves three Cub badges in the process!

Kiwi was nearly the only one who came close to capsizing as she came into the jetty.
The Cubs had an unforgettable time, and the day was topped off when they proudly shared their photos and achievements on social media for all to see.

More adventures when we went to the Southampton Boat Show