Toura and the Camera Boat

admin  Date , 2024    Sailing     Previous Blog Cruising Up and Down the River  Comments (0)

Out in the camera boattaking some photos and video of my wife and son sailing

Fun Sailing

Or not necessarily fun for my wife who was complaining about the number of pleasure cruisers going up and down the River Thames with little knowledge of hoe sailboat sail, tacking across the river.

For the past couple of weeks, I've been knee-deep in sailing jargon, working tirelessly on a list of terms for the website. When I first signed up for my RYA Level One course, I figured I'd need to familiarize myself with a handful of boat-related lingo. I started with about 30 terms, thinking that would cover it. But, as it turns out, I had underestimated the vast world of sailing. The list kept growing, expanding to 75 terms, and Iā€™m pretty sure I'm only halfway there!

By the time Sunday rolled around, I realized I needed a break from the never-ending list of nautical terms. So, I decided to ditch the dictionary for a day or two and hit the water for some actual sailing. After all, what better way to learn than by doing? and of course discovering a few more terms as I am told to put the foot of the sail into the shoe.

Writing more entries on the sail terms pages

We placed the charged battery back in the boat. Now it is very heavy and difficult to get in the boat . So we now have a folding stepladder to overcome the problem.
When I intially put in the extra seat new used the same length bolts as the seat had already used but they were too long, so I replaced them with shorter ones quite quickly and the seats are now more stable and more comfortable.

Paul and I out in the Toura in a sort of race - everyone else was racing

Coming up in the next few days: Modifying the Whaly seat, getting the Whaly ready as a camera boat, Wife out in the Toura, Paul and I join a race. Two laps and by the second mark we had been lapped. Out in the camera boat doing another rescue

The Hamble River Dinghy