Bourne End Week

admin  May 24-27, 2024    Sailing     Previous Blog the Queens Cup  Comments (0)

Bourne End Week Sailing Regatta

One of the biggest and best sailing Regattas on the Thames. The is the annual competition for the Queens Cup and lots of A-Rater sailing. But in addition there are the Merlin Rocket Association Races - River Championships, and the OK River Championships. In addition there were Handicap Races.

There were four full days of events. My son, Paul, did all four days and spent his time either in the Safety Boat or helping the judge spot infringements of Rule 42 in the Judge's boat. So he was swamped. He also, with my wife, organized and created the stand showing off the 140th Anniversary goods. They set up a display in the Marquee and then in the Club. All the goods are available to purchase online. Setting this up used much of my company resources, from the T-shirt printer, to the Cup printing, and the A1 printing and dummies for the T-shirt displays.

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