More Start Sail

admin  July 6, 2024    Sailing     Previous Blog Whaly Arrival  Comments (0)

Start Sail in the pouring Rain

It was forecast not to one of those beautiful sunny days for sailing but a day of driving rain and strong winds. 

Reef the Sail

It was raining hard and the wind was strong so we needed to learn how to reef the sails. This was a first for us and we were taught how to do this. Mark the instructor also decided that because he had a couple of lads with him, who wanted to learn to become instructors that one of them could sit in the boat with us and guide us.

Out in the Rain

Slowly during the morning the rain broke, but for July it was cold. 

Ros out in the Whaly

Ros looked a bit like a Bunny in Headlights as she concentrated on learning to steer the boat

Watching the Cadet Race

As we finished our boating up and down the river we saw the cadets in the middle of their race.

The Sprint Race